Edible Wild Berries of the BWCA - Free Pamphlet

I spend my summers touring the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota. The BWCAW consumes over 1 million acres and consists of many different plant species. I rely upon the edible plants for my basic survival needs, along with catching as many fish as possible. I do carry extra food as well. Many people ask me what the plants were I ate, so I decided it best to design a simple, lightweight, easy to use pamphlet to help answer their questions.
I did some research online and discovered there weren't any area specific pamphlets for the BWCAW's native edible plants at the time. I found some pamphlets that contained edible plants but they covered such a wide range that someone would be lucky to come across half of the plants listed. Not exactly what someone needs when confronted with a survival situation. So, I traveled around the BWCAW and found which edible plants were abundant. Hopefully, with little effort, you can find a majority of the plants I have included in the pamphlet.
An image of the pamphlet is below. Clicking on the Free Pamphlet button will let you download the pamphlet. Print two-sided and fold in thirds. Happy foraging!